Schedule of the services

Scotland and Northern Ireland

Happy Easter!

Dear brothers and sisters,

since the Easter day the Liturgical commemoration is renewed.

You may send the names marked “for the living” and “for the dead”:

+353879845907 (sms)

yury.zavershinskiy (skype)

FB, Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Zoom

For the donations:

Bank of Scotland

Sort Code 80-47-09

Account 01140901

Name Yury Zavershinskiy



Confessions begin one hour before Liturgy,

also during and after Vigil.

Very Rev. Dr. George Zavershinskiy, tel.: ‭+353 (1) 403 4972, mob.: +353 87 9845907 +44 7920 126307, e-mail:


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